martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Mío Cid Sequence

The storyline of El Cantar de Mío Cid will be represented in 12 images.


The fasting coyote developed fantastic literature in the prehispanic period in México. I shall analyze this segment of a poem he once wrote.

"¡Qué sea para bien!
¡que sea en buen momento!Donde están erguidas las columnas de jade,Donde están ellas en fila,Aquí en México,Donde en las obscuras aguasSe yerguen los blancos sauces,Aquí te merecieron tus abuelos,Aquel Huitzilíhuitl, aquel Acamapichtli.¡Por ellos llora, oh Moctezuma!Por ellos tú guardas su estera y su solio.El te ha visto con compasión, Él se ha apiadoado de ti, ¡oh Moctezuma!A tu cargo tienes la ciudad y el solio."

Human dimension- "Abuelos" "Moctezuma" His poetry always underlined the presence of the human above society. Our dimension is tangible, warm with the essence of humans. 

Mortal man- Every man will meet his end, that is a maxim that Nezahualcóyotl understands in his thinking. There is an end called death, which curiosly also represent the next beginning.

Destiny- "México" Our ancestors were destined to live here. Determinism is key in this type of poetry, Nezahualcóyotl emphasizes that we shall follow a straight argumentative line in our destinies and that the efforts to change it will be in vain. 

Social man- A man must interact with other men to be a complete being. The tasks of a social man can vary but mainly focuses on education and spirituality. 

Everyday´s life- Each day we must carry a schedule that will be valued. Nezahualcóyotl offers a pessimistic view regarding the everyday´s life. 

Life is a Dream- "Aquí te merecieron tus abuelos" A candid interpretarion of how our past life ancestor´s cherished the land in the Valle de México. Our grandaprens are the key that once in a lifetime interacted with the world we see today. Intertextuality between both world. 

Art- "Jade". We can gather from many poems, that the element of the precious stone, jade, is regularly included as a symbol of beauty. Esthetic value is important for Nezahualcóyotl. 

Retrieved from: embriagado

Wirrarika Literature

European culture is mostly praised because of its contribution to the modern canon. Regardless of that, Mesoamerican indigenous communities, such as the Wirrarikas, have established a substantial influence in the development of actual Latinamerican people.

The presence of the huicholes tribe in México, particularly in Jalisco, is a clear evidence that the culture of the natives is still respected. The myth of fire is one of the most important ones, and therefore, it will be the center of this day´s blog entry.

Tatewari was born when the earth shook for the fifth time. Before him, it is said that in the Middle World darkness ruled. There was no light for the animal kingdom until Tatewari spread his flames all over the place.

After his grand entrance, Tatewari brought good omens to the huichol tribe. He eventually sacrificed Masha the deer and offered his meat to the other animals. The animals didn´t like the cooked meat and since then preferred their food raw.

Tatewari left the animals, but those who remained where urged by The Wind to kill Tatewari for his actions against Masha. The animals proved to be no match for Tatewari for he dodged all of the arrows that were released against him. Only The Morning Light was able to lodge an arrow into Tatewari. For his actions, The Morning Light was sentenced to guard Hell for an eternity.
A huge fire soon was made by the Tlacuache, an animal that stole fire which was created by Tatewari.

I think there is a very big Greek style in these myths in some things: the oppulence of the gods vs mortals, the explanation of natural phenomena through myths, and the distinction of the virtues of a warrior.

Creation is another key point for the huicholes. There is a constant thought about what triggered the beginning of the world, and because of this they make stories about the creation.