martes, 10 de marzo de 2015


The fasting coyote developed fantastic literature in the prehispanic period in México. I shall analyze this segment of a poem he once wrote.

"¡Qué sea para bien!
¡que sea en buen momento!Donde están erguidas las columnas de jade,Donde están ellas en fila,Aquí en México,Donde en las obscuras aguasSe yerguen los blancos sauces,Aquí te merecieron tus abuelos,Aquel Huitzilíhuitl, aquel Acamapichtli.¡Por ellos llora, oh Moctezuma!Por ellos tú guardas su estera y su solio.El te ha visto con compasión, Él se ha apiadoado de ti, ¡oh Moctezuma!A tu cargo tienes la ciudad y el solio."

Human dimension- "Abuelos" "Moctezuma" His poetry always underlined the presence of the human above society. Our dimension is tangible, warm with the essence of humans. 

Mortal man- Every man will meet his end, that is a maxim that Nezahualcóyotl understands in his thinking. There is an end called death, which curiosly also represent the next beginning.

Destiny- "México" Our ancestors were destined to live here. Determinism is key in this type of poetry, Nezahualcóyotl emphasizes that we shall follow a straight argumentative line in our destinies and that the efforts to change it will be in vain. 

Social man- A man must interact with other men to be a complete being. The tasks of a social man can vary but mainly focuses on education and spirituality. 

Everyday´s life- Each day we must carry a schedule that will be valued. Nezahualcóyotl offers a pessimistic view regarding the everyday´s life. 

Life is a Dream- "Aquí te merecieron tus abuelos" A candid interpretarion of how our past life ancestor´s cherished the land in the Valle de México. Our grandaprens are the key that once in a lifetime interacted with the world we see today. Intertextuality between both world. 

Art- "Jade". We can gather from many poems, that the element of the precious stone, jade, is regularly included as a symbol of beauty. Esthetic value is important for Nezahualcóyotl. 

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